Thursday, November 1, 2012

For the last couple of years I have been battling hypothyroidism.  Started off about two years ago when I would literally be falling asleep at my desk by the last period of the school day and then go home and collapse in bed for several hours.  Got my thyroid tested and turned out I had hypothyroidism (which runs in my family).

Since then they've been fussing with my medication with various levels of success.  During the last go around the endocrinologist wanted to test me for celiac disease because it can affect how you absorb nutrients and medication.  So got the test done and of course, my thyroid is perfect, but the celiac test came back positive.  Great.......

After finding a new general practitioner and having a long discussion with her I will be embarking on a two week long gluten and dairy free diet.  Yes, two weeks is not that long but I have a feeling this gluten free business will be permanent.  So I might as well blog about this adventure because I love wheat....and I don't wanna say goodbye to it.  So might as well have an outlet for this as I go along the process.  And maybe fill a niche, because there is not a lot of gluten free information that is Hawaii specific.

So starting Sunday November 4, it is gluten and dairy free time!!  Let's see how this goes.

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